Thursday, December 26, 2013

Cookies Galore / Happy Holidays

Illustration highlights from two 1950's cook books, General Food's Cookies Galore from 1956, and Karo Syrup / Mazola Corn Oil's Recipes for Happy Holidays and "Goodies for Giving" (unfortunately, no artistic credit listed for either.) The artwork from the Cookies Galore booklet is fairly small so I blew the images up a bit more than the lovely chapter header art from the other booklet-- both are vastly different in style and terrifically entertaining in their own right, though both books of course contain delicious recipes and even some fun photography.


  1. Man I can't even begin to tell you how much that illus with the people eating cookies while watching a woman serving cookies on a tray on TV gives me a heart attack. Seriously.

    So fab as usual!

  2. A great collection of vintage graphics and photos.

    Gotta love the cliché that is a boy stealing cookies from the jar! i'll bet he was disappointed when he found out they had raisins in them.

  3. Ugh, I can't even look at any more food (and Carol always zeroes-in on my favorites before I get here, anyway--yeah, the couple watching cookies on TV is totally the bees knees!). While I tend to really love two-tone illustrations like these, I have to admit that the dancing dog in Cookie Fun looks like he's happily peeing blood. Rover got into the glass cookies again! I might a gone with blue as the spot color on that one, frankly; like the water in all those diaper commercials.

  4. I like the photo of Bettie Page Jr. getting ready for her kinky cookie circus party.

  5. This post is the cookie monster's dream come true.

    I like the cookie jar that looks like a clock with the message COOKIE TIME in the place of numbers (the sixth picture I believe).

    I wonder what a cookie jar like that is worth to a collector nowadays.

  6. Lots more cook book art coming up next month, glad everyone enjoys these posts so thanks for the comments!!
