Sunday, August 25, 2013

More Power '68

Two wonderfully illustrated story highlights from the Scott, Foreman and Company "Open Highways" series of 60's children's books, (as part of their diagnostic and developmental reading program) --this collection in the series titled MORE POWER is full of poetry, games, recipes and stories-- and to me, Margaret Stimson Richardson's "The Seven Little Pifflesniffs" is the stand-out tale here thanks largely to Dick Scott's deliciously fun, stylized art. Connie Elliot's "Pogo Leaves the Circus" performs wonderfully as well with super cute art by Justin Wagner.


  1. awww. the Pogo and Mabel story is cute :)

    and i love the images of the messy kitchen and the beverages with the stripey straws and the cross section of the house in the first story!!! man that's really cute!

  2. I made the cross section of the house page the background image on my iPhone! :)

  3. yay!

    i made the stripey straw beverage one my cover pic!!!

  4. I noticed! I need to find more art by this guy, he's great... anyone got any othrr leads please let me know!

  5. I have no leads. But my favorite one is the one where Dad's preparing the drinks. Number three. I love how mad-scientisty it all looks. For the same reason, my second favorite is the page when mom comes home. Actually, I may have developed a new appreciation for the state of my own kitchen.
