Thursday, July 4, 2013

Xmas in July (PART ONE) Santa

What better way to celebrate today's summer holiday full of swimming, BBQ, and fireworks than with... christmas. Meh, stores do it, so do I. Soooo for the next few posts we'll have some xmas fun in July with cards, toys, decorations, and maybe even a song or two. And today's santa selection comes courtesy of Crafty Pants Carol who decided she didn't want any of these vintage gems clutterin' up her house anymore so she gave them to me-- hurrah and thanks again! Xmas definitely comes early when I get a stack of cool greeting card art in the mail! Full of awesome 50's, 60's, and 70's design, color, texture, and christmassy charm, I'm sure you'll agree she was crazy to just give these cute Kris Kringles to me, but I'm feelin' the holiday spirit and sharing them with you all! Merry 4th of July-- and don't blow your face off tonight with bottle rockets!


  1. yay!!!! you're more than welcome :D

    my absolutely all time fave is that last one with Santa in the brandy snifter with the flocking and whatnot. but they're all pretty great!

  2. I'm all about the first two, as well as the one with the kids in bed with visions of sugar stuffs dancing over their heads.

  3. That first Doily Clause is pretty damn awesome. But I also have a thing for the foil Santa who looks like he's in a suit of fancy Spanish armor.

  4. And, PS, it seems cooler already. Thanks.

  5. >And, PS, it seems cooler already.

    I think you accidentally cranked the cooling unit in your spacesuit again, Mr C...
