Thursday, July 25, 2013

Super7 ALIEN ReAction Figures

At San Diego Comic Con 2012 last year, the Super7 booth had some totally awesome Alien action figure proto types on display-- see, apparently in '79 these toys were developed but never actually produced-- until now! So this year at San Diego Comic Con 2013, they had the finished toys on display and available for pre-order, along with a nifty set of "fast food" style collector glasses, as well as a killer Alien tee shirt (that I quickly purchased and wore throughout most of my SDCC visit last weekend.) Below are scans of the entire Alien ReAction booklet handed out at the Super7 convention booth, dig how cool these old school style figures are-- and now you can pit your Star Wars villain figures against a REAL Alien terror!

For more info, check out the Super7 website by clicking HERE!


  1. wow! the alien dude is cool! freaking glow in the dark brain!!

  2. That shirt is fantastic, and I am pretty sure I would drink milk after milk all day long from that steamed alien glass--but it's that spacesuited Kane that I just super duper love. Of course.

  3. Of course they weren't produced, the Alien is smoking! That would have never made it to production!
