Wednesday, January 9, 2013

S. Dakota Lake Region (Brochure Art)

In our last post we visited some fun stuff in South Dakota, like The Flintstones Bedrock City (click HERE), so now let's see a little bit more of the SD Lake Region, or more specifically, the attractive art that highlights this brochure (60s? or 70's?) published by the Northeast South Dakota Lake Region Chamber of Commerce. If outdoorsin' it is your cup o'tea, this looks like the place for you. Me? Not so outdoorsy... I just like the art in this brochure.


  1. I'm really starting to enjoy this subset of family-in-the-car vacation art (the full-page illustrations in the last post were totally killer. I want to see PANIC IN YEAR ZERO done just like that). Today's is also awesome. Really liking that second-to-last one with the kids going nuts playing punch buggy or something. Can you imagine taking a real road trip in a convertible? eventually everyone in the nuclear family would look like Thelma and Louise.

  2. i guess that means no girls in green and white striped bikinis for you then.

    the camping looks like fun, but i've never been water skiing in my life.

  3. How about green and white striped bikinis in a hotel suite jacuzzi instead? (bikini optional)

    Glad to see you along for the ride, Mr C-- lots more travel time fun coming up!

  4. ok - you can have your jacuzzi bikinis.

  5. I don't really mind outdoorsy as long as its not too long --and then it's back to indoorsy at bedtime-- I can't sleep outside anywhere in any temperature no matter what.

  6. Do you think these illustrations were from those "cut books" (cheap stock illustrations sold to small agencies) or commissioned?
