Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Knox Salad Book

After inhaling nothing but homemade holiday pies, cookies and candy like a total asshole for the last few weeks (in preparation for my Santa Claus "bowl full of jelly" routine), it's now time to ease-up on the reins' dear (get it?) and start eating a little more healthy and sensibly-- and in 1958, Knox Gelatine Company (Johnstown, NY) had the perfect solution with this great little publication simply titled SALAD BOOK. Lots of tempt tasting recipes and cute girl illustrations, basic steps, helpful hints-- plus menus, dressings, garnishes, and more! Gorgeous design satisfies my other gnawing hunger!


  1. Those jello salads used to be very popular back in the day. (When I was a little kid in the 1970's.) Never could stand it when someone slapped mayonnaise on top of them. Bleah!

  2. My mom makes a really good mayo based salad, she just made it for Xmas here the other day in fact, I forget what it's called though. She's been making it since the 70s too and to me it always seemed more akin to a potato salad style dish than an actual salad.

  3. I love these gelatin salads so much! I've never had a not sweet one - but I love looking at them. Maybe I'll get a little crazy and make the Sputnik salad or the It's-A-Lotta Bologna Salad! I've always had the jell-o, cool whip, fruit, nut kind - which I totally dig. But I'm usually the only one that eats it - so I never make it :(

    I'm a little disappointed that the recipe for the one on the cover - the tomato ring with peas inside - isn't included here. I think that would be a perfect start to your sensible eating changes!

    Oh, and I think I'm in love with the girl holding the red molded salad with suspended items.

  4. I'll take either girl in the chef hat.

  5. They aren't a salad - but did you ever see my Knox Caramel Apple Blox recipe ad?

    There is a salad recipe in the same ad though - for all your gelatin based salad needs.

  6. Just saw it! I also saw your aspics post yesterday! :)

  7. i don't even remember that. i think that means i need more aspic posts!!

  8. You already forgot about the asspix yesterday?!!

  9. Oh wait... I see where the confusions lies.

    My bad!

  10. har. maybe i need an asspic/aspic post!

    oh man i just got all freaking excited about that...

  11. many many gelatins!

    cubes even!

  12. Thanks. I love looking through these vintage booklets. Most doctors would consider these recipes to be deadly now.

  13. cute cute cute! I have a Knox cookbook for students from 1959, looks like it's the same illustrator.

  14. Lots more 50's and 60's cook books coming up next month-- it's nice to see so many new faces here at AEET too-- thank you for stopping by and commenting!

  15. Hate to be a bother, but could you tell me what's missing from the Cucumber Sauce recipe at the bottom of the Backyard Barbecue page?
    This is not a life-or-death situation -- just curious.

  16. It's all there, nothing missing. The opposite page the words "stir again" got cut off though.

  17. I'm digging the shopping cart picture on image three the most, but only just. I don't like Jello salads, but I think they look groovy as hell; and the Sputnik salad images here are really fab.
