Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Christmas Fun

Ten more pages of happy holiday poems, stories and general cheer from the Christmas 1953 booklet published by Line Material Company (see also previous post.) And hey, with the 21st right around the corner, (meaning: if you're one of those people that believes we won't even live to see xmas this year) by all means head directly over to THOIA for our countdown to DOOMSDAY!


  1. wow. i really like that littlest snowman story. :)

  2. Yeah it's a good one... pretty sure the art is the same person as the Ms Claus and Floppy Seal story too, as well as some of the other key art sprinkled around the booklet.

  3. Well, if it is, the artist knocked much farther out of the park on the snowman story (in my humble O). Holy cow that looks good in halftone. I wanna see that same guy do Haxan.

  4. Haha, or a fully illustrated M. R. James pop-up book series.

  5. He'd have those stately, doomed Brit antiquarians gamboling so fitfully!
