Saturday, November 17, 2012

Drive-Ins STL, MO (Matchbook)

Chatting with my Crafty friend about drive-ins the other day reminded me of this great matchbook I recently purchased featuring the images of three long gone drive-ins I attended as a child here in St. Louis, MO (late 60's through the early 80s.) The front of the matchbook features the drive-in where I probably saw the most films, the great South Twin Theatre on Lemay Ferry Rd (now a grocery store / strip mall.) On the backside of the matchbook, the "66" Park In Theatre was located on Route 66 (Watson Rd) in Crestwood, (now more lame stores), plus the colorfully gorgeous neon masterpiece-- Ronnies Drive-In Theatre located on South Lindbergh in Concord Village, (an indoor theatre of the same name with 20 screens now runs the show in that spot.) Open the matchbook and inside is a listing of 7 theatres that were gone before I was even born.


  1. So cool! And so great that you found it.

    I LOVE old matchbooks! I have a whole box of them.

  2. Don't miss these other HOT matchbooks from my collection that I posted back in May 2011-- if you haven't already seen them, that is!
