Friday, August 10, 2012

"Princess" Penny-Flame

CTCartland Studios artwork highlights this plastic bag given out in 1966 by the Northern Illinois Gas Company, featuring the cute, (but gassy) "Princess" Penny-Flame who helped make it fun to keepum trail heap clean!


  1. This cartoon cutie, with a few changes (such as changing the wardrobe to keep the PC police at bay) could still be used in advertising. She would be a much better mascot for propane sales than Blue Rhino.

  2. I know what you mean, but F the PC Police!

  3. I think what she is wearing is really cute. I don't think she's be considered offensive at all. It's just that bullshit pidgin that would need to change to make it modern-appropriate. Even though, as in the last post, I'd really love to have that "heap clean" font on my computer.

  4. I like how Cartland even worked their initials into the heap clean lettering.
