Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Hots Dogs & Rockets

AEET's vintage V-Day card art massacre continues, bridging gaps and crossing fine lines between hot dogs and rockets, as only this blogger knows how. Friends, I leave this theme in your hands.





Decoder Fun!




  1. The first two are hilarious, but that third one is just totally lewd. He's actually leering at her. There's no winking whimsical double entendre there. That's straight-up dirty.

    I love the Sparky the Alien card and code game. The art is fabulous, but it is a little galling that there's a damn typo in the Alien language. That would have frustrated the heck out of me when I was a nine year old.

  2. The Hot Dog kiss is so good! "They'll come back on you!" so funny. I like the chubby knees on the little girl in the second card too. The space themed ones are just fantastic. Especially the de-coder card. Reminds me of "A Christmas Story" --Drink more Ovaltine!

  3. >that third one is just totally lewd. He's actually leering at her.

    Haha, indeed! I like how their flushed cheeks are heart shaped too; breathless love-- on the bun!

    >Reminds me of "A Christmas Story" --Drink more Ovaltine!

    Haha, I wonder if any kid in the history of decoder messages actually ever got a message that worth a hoot?!! "Amber, look under your bed for a giant pile of mint antique toys that you didn't know existed!"
