Saturday, January 14, 2012

Top Value Family Gift Catalog (PART2)

More highlights from the 1963 Top Value Stamps family gift catalog, showcasing how to turn an ordinary ordering guide into something tons more fun, and in some cases involving fake moustaches-- funny! Nice use of type and illustrations, great color choices, playful set photography loaded with interesting props and models having an obvious blast, and most of all excellent design sense. (Example: look how interesting even carpet becomes!)

Nothing phallic here!


  1. Neat stuff! How many pages is this by the way?

  2. I can't even imagine the looks I would get if I showed up at the airport with four matching suitcases. It would probably cost me two hundred extra dollars, though.

  3. Also, if you were sporting a fake handlebar mustachio!

  4. Yes. Because it goes so well with my Catalina Swimsuit.

  5. These are great! I love the barbecue with the rotisserie in it. I'd put that on my patio any day!

  6. I love the transistor radio lineup! God I miss those....

  7. I have a round wooden coffee table that I think came from this catalog. Would like to see a photo of that. Thanks.
