Wednesday, December 7, 2011

5 Day Cheer Card

Fun illustrations and an interesting "get well" concept from Hallmark (60's?), where a series of 5 cards are sent on consecutive days, and each with its own funny riddle / solution to ponder (fyi: answers arrived on the back of the card the following day.) I'll post some holiday themed cards from my collection later this month, for now I'm posting this because the colors seemed a bit xmassy and festive in mood... a mood of which I'm still trying to muster up myself this year. Meh, maybe someone needs to send me a 5 Day Cheer Card...


  1. These are neat-o. I'd love to get a set of these cards if I was down & out sick. Shoot, I'd love em now!

  2. I wonder if Hallmark did a series of these for other greeting card categories too? Like bdays, valentines etc. I'm always on the lookout for more, if I ever come across doubles Amber, I'll send ya some...

  3. I'd imagine these were only for get well and other pick-me-up situations. It's hard to imagine other times when a multi-day observation would really work. Holidays are usually so date-specific. Maybe a twelve-part Christmas card for orthodox observers?

    I can't think of a good answer for the last one, by the way. Put the Monopoly board away? Shoot everybody and fly to Mauritania?

  4. What a fantastic concept. I just imagined getting these cards for 5 days, looking forward to the mail coming every day. So much more of an event that 5 successive emails.

  5. >I can't think of a good answer for the last one

    Too late anyway, Mr C... I think poor 'ol Jim is now sleepin' with the fishes!

    >So much more of an event that 5 successive emails

    Haha, no kiddin' Mykal... or 5 successive tweetzzzz.

  6. "... I think poor 'ol Jim is now sleepin' with the fishes!"

    You nailed it! That's totally the key to the perfect (and probably the correct Hallmark) answer: "Buy some fish pajamas!"
