Thursday, November 24, 2011

Yeast Baking & You

Hey, it's Turkey Day 2011, and we're buzzin' around the kitchen with last minute preparations for today's feast: turkey's about to pop, green beans simmerin', taters mashed, gravy graved-- but wait! Somebody forgot the breads and yeasty dessert treats! Arghh! Good thing we have this great General Mills / Fleischmann's Yeast / Gold Medal Flour booklet (1963) on how to be a yummy yeast baker, 41 pages exploding with delicious recipes (and dynamite illustrative and color design too!) Let the groovy redhead be your guide to: Peanut Butter Batter Bread, crescents, rolls, bunlets, Swirl-A-Breads, Little Loafers, logs, pinwheels, pockets, Monkey Bread and even (eeek!) Grandmother's Buns! Enjoy your day friends, and eat responsibly!


  1. Oh man this is so sixties. I never thought a girl without a nose could be so cute. Her hair looks like a vortex, and I picture it uncurling to those creaking sound effects of Ultraman's title credit.

    I really like the collage effect of those half-cartoon half-photo food illustrations, too. Neat book, Karswell. Happy Thanksgiving.

  2. these are great illustrations

  3. Well I've said it before with some of the other 60s Betty Crocker booklets I've posted here in the past, they had a tremendous art dept for sure!

    If anyone out there makes any of these foods drop us a line and let us know how it tasted!

  4. I have used this old book so many times the pages have crumbled. Thank you so much!!

  5. It was free in a bag of flour. I was a newlywed in 1963 and practiced baking with these outstanding recipes over and over. The aspect of being able to refrigerate the roll dough and use use it gradually, worked so well. Great recipes, the variety of sweet rolls were so much fun to try out.
