Monday, October 31, 2011

"Weeny Witch"

I'm positive HERPAK Skinless Franks meant well when they concocted this "Halloween Party" book in 1950, where instead of using traditional apples in a tub of water you could instead make use of their well-hung product (with parental guidence, I'm sure) and, um... go "Bobbing for Franks" (see pic below.) And once you got tired of stuffing your own mouth with weiners, it was then time to be blindfolded and clumbsily insert your frankfurter into the witch's mouth for the non-stop hilarity of "Feeding the Weeny Witch!" (see other pic.) She's so creepy looking that yes, the blindfold definitely helps. And golly, the fun certainly doesn't end there-- grab a napkin and pull it down over your weiner-- now you're a "Weeny Ghost!" The booklet also comes with a "Zinga-Rina the Old Witch" paper mask to cut-out and wear while you and your friends are playing with your weiners. Happy Halloweeny everyone!

(Regular Witch)


  1. 1) this book is full of "suggestions" isn't it?
    2) Zinga-Rina looks like someone i saw jogging the other day.
    3) i prefer corndogs myself.

    i couldn't decide which one to post so all of the above, i guess...

  2. I agree, Zinga is ready to get "physical" (Olivia Newton-John style) with those weiners! Her headband tells us so!

    Happy Halloweiner, Prof!

  3. Happy Halloween, Karswell!

  4. Thanks dudes, right back atchas!!

  5. this is so hilarious, thanks for sharing! hope you had a great halloween sir!

  6. Maybe they needed a better editor/censor for this this ad; but "put a napkin over your wiener", or taking a bite out of a wiener? Didn't "wiener" have the X-rated meaning in those days; or has living during and after the "Sexual Revolution" dirtied my mind beyond all cleaning?


  7. This is seriously one of my fav things you've posted (that I've seen so far). It's like vintage paper goods gold.

    I am considering dangling some skinless wieners at different heights from my ceiling just for the hell of it. :)

  8. Danglin weiners are ok, the real fun comes when you fix some closer to the floor and have them pointing straight up.

  9. I think you're gonna have to demonstrate that for me. I can't quite picture it.

  10. There was an older one posted at, I think, MagicCarpetBurn by the Prof -- you probably have that one already, but just in case you didn't, I figured I'd mention it so you can add to your collection.
