Friday, July 1, 2011

Frankenstein Loses His Pants!

It's Xmas in July at AEET, and I'm furiously thumbing through two Spencer's Gifts catalogs from 1963, highlighting the essential stuff that needs to fill my stocking! Hard to believe all of this fun stuff was once available from the same lame mall store that today seems to only specialize in heavy metal tee shirts and sex lube.


  1. I love these kinds of ads. I actually have that Frankenstein. Mine must be a reissue. The bottom says 1980. He looks exactly the same except for the base. It doesn't say Frankenstein. Since I've had him he's never had batteries and I didn't know his pants fell down. He just looked good sitting on the shelf.

    I just now checked and sure enough, the pants do fall down. Mine doesn't have red and white striped shorts though. He's tiny wearing red panties with white lace on the bottom edges. I might like that better.

  2. JFK rocking salt and pepper shakers. If that isn't cool, nothing is.

    Love that comment that Spenser's is only good now for t-shirts and sex lube. They got one in the mall near me and, yep, I went in once to by a "gag gift" for a Christmas party. I swear, I was the only one that bought anything. The place was full of couples showing stuff to each other and giggling, but no buying. It was being used more like a museum than a store.

    I bought a penis that shot silly string.

  3. AnonymousJuly 04, 2011

    Some of these items are truly outrageous, love it! I wasn't aware that Spencers Gifts was even around this long ago.

  4. Since I keep all my spices and things in the kitchen cabinets, they always smell kind of like a Chinese restaurant. Now, every time the train goes by, the cupboard can can sound like a Chinese restaurant, too, what with all the barking and meowing.

    Oh just kidding.

    Those eyeball cufflinks are totally aces. And don't forget Spencer Gifts has all your beer and Lamborghini door poster needs covered, too. I used to go in there all the time to play with the Plasma Balls and Lava Lamps.

  5. In all my life I would never have thought that I would see a JFK salt and pepper dispenser. I would not have even considered that such a thing existed. The things you learn!

  6. the Frankenstein is really cool but i want the can of Instant Sex and the Belly Button Brush. i don't know why, but i do.

  7. I want a floppy clock and the chuck wagon eating set!

  8. i want the chuck wagon eating set too! but let's be real - i want all this crap!!!!!!!
