Monday, April 4, 2011

Best of Sunset House '64 (Part Two)

Our last post featured highlights from the black and white pages of Sunset House's gift catalog from 1964, now with today's Part Two post we give you some gems from the color pages. You have to admire SH for even attempting to sell some of this stuff, for example: naming a pair of crummy rayon shoes "Harem Lounging Boots" to make them sound more "exotic", or screwing 6 lightbulbs into a black box and calling it "Mystery Blinking Lights" (and don't forget to add Tippy Hedren into the illustration too, you know, to cash in on Alfred Hitchcock's The Birds from the previous year?!! Even the description of this item is hilariously insulting.) And don't get me started on the cheaptastical "Rocky Roller!"



  1. incredible! i wonder if the Mystery Blinking Lights ever showed up as a prop in some low-budget sci-fi film, i'm thinking it would be appropriate in an Independent-International production...

  2. I'm officially an old man now. All I could think of looking those Red Rocket Shoes is that some kid's going to kill himself with those things. I wonder how many kids went rocketing right down the stairs.

  3. >wonder if the Mystery Blinking Lights ever showed up as a prop in some low-budget sci-fi film

    Prof, your mission now is to find the answer to this question!

    > I wonder how many kids went rocketing right down the stairs.

    Mykal, obviously you didn't read the Rocket Shoes description, it says right there in black and white that they are "perfectly safe." haha

    For me it's wild to see a color ad version of the "Look - You're An Artist" copier after years of seeing it in black and white in comic books.

    I have another one of these Sunset House catalogs somewhere around here, if anyone is interested I can post highlights from it in the future too. Thanks for the comments!

  4. I like how I can fill my whole bedside table up with space-saving ceramic kitsch. No longer will I have to sleep in my disguise! Somewhere, surely, I can get a porcelain bedside head to put my wig on.

    Speaking of disguises, I think that skyjacker mask makes the model look like a French cupcake.

  5. If I wear my fire red nightie with the jump for joy shoes, maybe I can escape the creepy disembodied hand should it try to goose me.

  6. >I think that skyjacker mask makes the model look like a French cupcake.

    Mmmmm mmmm! French cupcakes!

    >If I wear my fire red nightie with the jump for joy shoes, maybe I can escape the creepy disembodied hand should it try to goose me.

    Haha, I'm pretty sure I would pay good rainbow flaming currancy to see that!

  7. I'm jonesing for the Talk-Back Phone. Anyone ever have or see one of these?

  8. >I'm jonesing for the Talk-Back Phone. Anyone ever have or see one of these?

    Never saw it K.R. but I did have the TIME BOMB from the previous post!

  9. I own a pair of those rocket shoes & they are kept on a high shelf!
