Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Twelve to Tone, Trim & Slim

When I was a kid I remember my grandmother having an arsenal of pocket-sized "Dell Purse Books", and I loved looking through them, (especially the ones on astrology, dreams, and crossword puzzles.) But the hairstyle and fitness books were the ones with the sexy covers (is that Kim Novak?!) plus the equally cute illustrations inside... take for example the leggy little bobbed hair darlings from a chapter of "A New Figure in 30 Days" (1965.)


  1. That's one cutie of a cartoon excerciser. Coulda been Mary Tyler Moore back in the day...

  2. Love that comment by Jeffie: I'm glad to see I'm not the only one that had a thing for MTM on the Dick Van Dyke Show, running around that New Rochelle home in those black leotards. She was the coolest housewife that ever lived. And, you bet, those 60s graphics suggest Moore from that era to a T.

    Karswell: I don't think that's Kim Novak - the model is just a tad to slim. Novak went a bit more on the voluptuous side of things - a bit shorter and positively zaftig.

  3. That is indeed an uncanny resemblence to MTM, good eye gang! And I wasn't serious about the cover model being Kim Novak, just talkin' out loud as usual... although just for the sake of argument I gooogled her and saw many early slim photos of her that did not put her that much more voluptuous than the woman on the cover of this book.

    Thanks for the comments!

  4. I think I had a similar book. However, I couldn't stick to the crackers, celery with peanut butter, and cottage cheese meal plan. So the new figure I got over the years was far more Whole Lotta Rosie than Kim Novak or Mary Tyler Moore!

  5. >new figure I got over the years was far more Whole Lotta Rosie

    O'Donnell or McGowan?

  6. I have this book. I sure wish that I could post a pic of the cover. I think it's pretty neat to have.
