Friday, March 4, 2011


85 perfect, nickel plated, rust proof, assorted needles and 1 threader become the last reason to buy this gorgeously packaged Rocket sewing booklet by Gold Eye, (from either the 1940's or 50s most likely.) And when you finally tear your eyes away from that awesome cover art, fold the kit open and take a look at the embossed spiderweb patterns on the foil behind the needles!


  1. Ha. Dig the way his legs are wrapped around that rocket while she sits side-saddle (also I feel like her feet have been repositioned in the final lay-up--see how they don't seem to come at the end of the lady's legs anymore?--but I can't figure out why that would be).

  2. >but I can't figure out why that would be

    Made in Japan.

    A neat variation on ebay here:

  3. I found this picture of a light switch with a magazine ad on it. This looks like the image the needles package was copying.

  4. It's an Oldsmobile ad! Very good bit of sleuthing, Uncle Ernie! Here's the full ad without the switch cutouts. You can hover over the image for an area enlargement. It's funny--the lady's legs look pretty much the same in the original, but the addition of one or two extra thick lines parse the graphic better, so it doesn't look wrong to me anymore.

  5. That is amazing! I thought I had stumbled onto something cool with the Atomic modification, but this is rad! And interesting to know that art swipeage wasn't reserved just for pre-code comic publishers, haha

  6. I was wondering woukd something like that be worth any money

  7. I think I paid $2 or $3 at a paper convention for it... check ebay, I see them on there all the time too.
