Monday, February 14, 2011

Vintage Valentines (Part Three)

Happy Valentine's Day everyone! And here we go with part three featuring choice picks from my vintage Valentine card collection of the 50's and 60's, though some of these date back to 1930's even! The last two posts focused on the kind of traditional greeting cards that open up, today's post is more about the simple two sided cards you exchanged with sweethearts when you were a kid (or maybe even not as a kid!) Some of these have moving arms (like the knight slaying the dragon), or moving eyes (see the lovely rocket-ridin' "Queen of the Universe"), some fold open to reveal something else interesting (the BBQin' tigers, or the kid cop tipping his hat.) The best thing about Valentine's Day (aside from the candy) is of course the cute, and expertly illustrated holiday cards! Have a great day!


  1. Yeah, that brawny queen of the universe is top notch. It reminds me of the kind of art you see on Indian religious posters (and not just because of the dot). I love it.

  2. Haha, the "dot" on her forehead is the centerpoint of the wheel that turns behind her head and gives you a different set of eyes through the cut-out sockets!

  3. That first one, with the girl being boiled alive to eat, is a bit odd. But that last one, with the devil with a blond tuft sticking out of the costume is just super cute. It's cuteness cannot be denied or avoided.

  4. I remember when we had to give a valentine to everyone in class whether we liked them or not. It was only fair but whenever I had to give a valentine to stuck-up Blake the lawyer's son, it made me cringe. Ick!
    I wonder what old Blake looks like these days. Balding with a pot gut like many a middle-aged man, like as not!
