Sunday, January 9, 2011

Meanwhile, in New Orleans... (1962)

We now leave 1950's Austria and head back to the USA, to New Orleans in 1962! But let's stop first and grab some freebie literature so we can research a little bit on hot spots for family fun, nightclubbing, and dining. The May 1962 issue of Greeters' Tourist Guide to New Orleans (Volume 32, No. 9) may seem small and just a little over 2 dozen pages long, but man oh man is it ever chock full of great ad design and helpful ideas: Polynesian and Cajun cuisine, kiddie puppet shows, Absinthe bars, Johnny Rivers' "Twist Band", Swedish massages, and so much more! Sounds like New Orleans has got it all!


  1. I say we all shake of the work-a-day blues and go for an evening betting the ponies at Jefferson Downs; and after that - a few drinks and a quick twist at the Dreamroom or the 809 Club (we'll see if we can scare up some company). For those of us left standing and not otherwise engaged, we could get an early morning massage on Canal Street (it's right next to the hotel). OK, who’s in?

  2. I'm definitely UP for watching the Queen shake her cha chas!

  3. Ray Milan had a band?

  4. Haha, not the same Ray MILLAND...

  5. a little late, but i believe Chris Owens, Queen of the Cha Cha appears in the movie "The Wacky World of Dr. Morgus", sure looks like her!...

  6. You're absolutely correct Prof! I wikipedia'd her and there it is in black and white:

    Great observation--- THANKS!!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.
