Monday, November 22, 2010

Houdini Weinies! PLUS Other Feats of Oven Wizardry and Table Sorcery!

Back in June, AEET's first post was one of these great 60's (or 70's?) Betty Crocker / Gold Medal recipe pamphlets full of delicious treats, glorious design/art direction, and endless fun... so just in time to add some mmm-mmm good magic to your upcoming holiday meals and desserts we now present another one! If you don't think Hocus Pocus Buns or Riddle Rabbit Rolls will get your friends and family hoppin' to the table then you don't know the power that Betty Crocker possesses! As the Baking's Believing cover proclaims, it's "Eating Enchantment!" and seriously now, how can you possibly go wrong with Abracadabra Dough, Spells & Bells Doughnuts, Yogi Puffs, Baffle Bowls, Saucery Pie, Spooky Cookies, or Devil Decker Dishes? There's even 2 pages of magic tricks (see 18 and 19) to really liven up your tryptophan induced festivities!


  1. i never thought you could have so much fun with cookbooks! they're all so Martha Stewart these days(or were...).

  2. Wow. Just wow! This is the coolest cookbook in the world. Fire-eaters Bombe cake. Just f***ing wow.

  3. I like that top-hat guy. He's a little out of place here, looking all Victorian as he does. Like, I sure wouldn't be wanting my chimney sweep to do all the cooking.

  4. I want you to know that I actually print out the recipes to save to my recipe collection and intend to try some of them!

  5. >never thought you could have so much fun with cookbooks!

    Wait until you see some of the cookbooks I still have to post!

    >the coolest cookbook in the world. Fire-eaters Bombe cake. Just f***ing wow.

    Haha I know, right?

    >I like that top-hat guy.

    The top hat covers his chef's hat!

    >I actually print out the recipes to save to my recipe collection and intend to try some of them!

    I would most definitely LOVE to hear how any of these recipes turn out Illsa, make sure to drop us a comment here after you whip some of these up! And fyi: I have another one of these great Betty Crocker pamphets to post in the coming weeks-- keep your stoves on!

  6. A recipe booklet that's not only creative and clever, but it gives you MORE than what you'd expect -- this one's almost a book!
    Thank you.

    The Betty Crocker kitchens and/or their Ad agency must have worked overtime on this one. I can't believe how entertaining it is.

    This is one recipe booklet that I'd bid on eBay for (and I don't normally bid on eBay for anything).

    Would you say this is late-70s to early-80s? -- that's what I'd guess from the quality of the printing and the style of the graphics. However, there don't seem to be any "health conscious" elements in the recipes, so mid-70s?

  7. I'd say late 60's or early 70's

  8. Y'know, I tried looking to see if anyone had actually dated this booklet, and the range is Amazon at 1963 (no way), to another blog at 1976 (more believable), with lots of dates in between (this little booklet is quite popular).
    From what I remember of the era (I was around at the time), just the shades of the colors puts it past the '60s. And the quality of printing of the pre-70s booklets I have is not as good.
    I'm very surprised that there's no Betty Crocker bibliography of published work, or something to that effect.

  9. I was born in '68 and as far back as I can remember this Crocker booklet, as well as the very first one I ever posted (my very first post here), have always been in my house, so definitely no later than the early 70s, I'd say...

  10. wow! i didn't realize that my astrological cookie shape was a flower! fabulous news!!
