Saturday, November 27, 2010

50's Ads! Ads! Ads!

Here are a handful of cool 'n cartoony advertisments from the March 1951 issue of Radio Television Mirror Vol. 35 No. 4, as well as a couple from the November 1955 "Utopia of Obsenity" issue of Sir! (A Magazine for Males.) Boy, I sure do love the Bissell Sweepers Rug-A-Boo!


  1. Does anyone know anything about "Sparky" the cigarette hatin' dog?

  2. I think I'll use the Blue Jay card to cancel out the Jolly Time ad. Take that, corn!

  3. I wonder if Cheez-its tasted the same in the 50's as they do now?

  4. >Take that, corn!

    Haha, good one... I think someone should send "Sparky" the firedog over to Smokey Bear's neck of the woods to lend him a paw.

    >I wonder if Cheez-its tasted the same in the 50's as they do now?

    Probably not, the recipes for everything good always seem to change as the world gets more and more health conscious about additives and other ingredients. Of course if you find an unopened box from the 50's I would still recomend you not sample any!

  5. I like my crackers with that swell cheese flavor!
