Wednesday, January 25, 2017

A Piece of Tail!

Funny bunny sexy 60's novelty gag box I picked up just now for $1.00

Monday, January 23, 2017

Somebody Has To Buy This Stuff...

... and it's me! Found some fun things at a few local antique malls here in Jefferson County MO recently. Only 3 things actually were purchased though, can you figure out which ones?

Thursday, January 12, 2017

All Girl-Ghoul Movies!

An interesting review/article about horror films of the day with the focus on women no longer being the pursued victims in terror and thus turning into the terrorizers! Blood and Lace, and Murders in the Rue Morgue are both considered minor classics these days, --and oh my, there's even a kung fu movie included here! But for my money, The House That Screamed is the clear winner of the article, it's seriously one of my all time favorite films ever, and gets Mr. Karswell's Highest Possible Squeal of Approval! What are some of your favorites?

From the "Special All Ghoul Horror Issue", aka the Nov. '73 issue of Skywald's Psycho #15.

Saturday, January 7, 2017

TV Horror Listings

From Cracked's March 1967 issue of For Monsters Only #4, with some fun art by Paul Reinman. The Intro: "According to TV execs, there's nothing horrible about old-time horror movies. These fright films shown on the late late night shows have sold more products than new-time love movies. They have become so popular, the execs are now beginning to run movie type ads on TV pages in the newspapers." (Please excuse some slight blurring from unfortunate water damage. --Mr. K)

Sunday, January 1, 2017

Olszewski's HAUNTED MANSION Gallery of Light Boxes

My trip last fall to a Downtown Disney Orlando art gallery went from being very cool to being ultra mind blowing when I noticed a small Olszewski Gallery of Light display in one section of the store. Once you see the pictures below you'll know why, and at the time I knew that eventually I would own the two pieces I wanted the most out of the wonderful selection on hand: Disney Haunted Mansion miniature light boxes, one from Madame Leota's seance parlor, and the other featuring the 3 ghostly hitchhikers that sit on your lap as you exit the ride. Each box features small resin sculptures and is about 5 inches high/deep, highlighted by a highly detailed 3D layering scene and atmospheric on/off LED lighting with hidden button on the front (in the leaves)-- it's like owning an actual real View Master scene in a box!👻 They're incredibly hard to photograph unfortunately, so these pictures definitely do not do them justice, but take it from me they are truly amazing.

See more from the collection HERE!  (FYI: Both boxes are sold out too, so try eBay!)