Friday, December 26, 2014

Sing-Along Book

Xmas is over and now it's time to plan your upcoming 2014 New Years Eve festivities accordingly-- or do I mean "accordionly?" --I think I mean accordionly! Yes siree, Palmer-Hughes does it again with a neato 50's music book of old time chestnuts that you can quickly learn to play (on your chick magnet accordion) and then gather the gang 'round the fire for a rip-roarin', knee slappin, countdown to midnight how-do-you-do! (I say "Palmer-Hughes does it again" because they did it once before here at AEET right over HERE!) Anyway, lots of favorites this time around like "Sidewalks of New York", "While Strolling Through the Park One Day", and the song made most famous by a singing Warner Brothers frog "Hello! My Baby." Another thing Palmer-Hughes seems to do right is hire expert illustrators to gussy up the tunage with pretty pictures (no artist credit given tho.) And here we have those very pictures of which I speak! Countdown to your accordion rockin' NYE begins NOW!

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Monday, December 22, 2014

The Kitchen Magicians

Before we get our xmas cookie fantasy on, let's take a look and pay homage to the people that make the magic in the kitchen happen! Maybe the ladies featured in the pix below actually are the definition of your "Xxxmas Cookie Fantasies", all dressed up and $20 hairdos and spick 'n span counter tops and oh god get that poodle out of there!! Anyway, these images are from 5 different Electric Company Christmas Cooky Books published in the 60's, or 50's... or early 70's (none of them seem to be dated.) And before anyone else is further confused, I don't mean "The Electric Company" kids tv show, I mean The Electric Company Power Company, Reddy Kilowatt etc...

Saturday, December 20, 2014


At this time of year a common bond seems to unite people everywhere-- especially children. In every land, holiday customs are different but all of them contain a special sort of warmth and fellowship that draws family and friends closer together. And that special sort of something is mutha f#ckin' cookies. Cute photography from The Electric Company Christmas Cooky Book (60's / 70's.)

Friday, December 19, 2014

Power Girdle vs. Sauna Suit

Sunset House '69 is ready to size you up this xmas by posing this simple question: Strangle your body in the kung-fu death grip vice of The Power Girdle? Or slowly sweat it off in the baggy, astronaut confinement of the The Sauna Suit? Or both? Or neither! With all the holiday cakes and pies and cookies and candies this season-- the choice is, or isn't, yours!

Choose, or don't choose, today!